Live Demo of Next.js Boilerplate - Explore the Authentication

Nextjs Starter

Starter code for your Nextjs Boilerplate with Tailwind CSS

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Boilerplate Code for Your Next.js Project with Tailwind CSS

Next.js Boilerplate is a developer-friendly starter code for Next.js projects, built with Tailwind CSS and TypeScript. ⚡️ Designed with developer experience in mind, it includes:

  • 🚀 Next.js with App Router support
  • 🔥 TypeScript for type checking
  • 💎 Tailwind CSS integration
  • 🔒 Authentication with Clerk (includes passwordless, social, and multi-factor auth)
  • 📦 ORM with DrizzleORM (PostgreSQL, SQLite, MySQL support)
  • 🌐 Multi-language support (i18n) with next-intl and Crowdin
  • 🔴 Form handling (React Hook Form) and validation (Zod)
  • 📏 Linting and formatting (ESLint, Prettier)
  • 🦊 Git hooks and commit linting (Husky, Commitlint)
  • 🦺 Testing suite (Vitest, React Testing Library, Playwright)
  • 🎉 Storybook for UI development
  • 🚨 Error monitoring (Sentry) and logging (Pino.js)
  • 🖥️ Monitoring as Code (Checkly)
  • 🔐 Security and bot protection (Arcjet)
  • 🤖 SEO optimization (metadata, JSON-LD, Open Graph tags)
  • ⚙️ Development tools (VSCode config, bundler analyzer, changelog generation)

Our sponsors' exceptional support has made this project possible. Their services integrate seamlessly with the boilerplate, and we recommend trying them out.


Clerk – Authentication & User Management for Next.jsCrowdinSentry
Better StackChecklyNext.js SaaS Boilerplate
Demo of Next.js Boilerplate